We specialize in selling store-fresh luxury bags, so we prefer to purchase never-worn, pristine bags outright. However, we also accept recently produced and vintage pre-owned bags in excellent to like-new condition. Additionally, we purchase both new and vintage jewelry and watches.
How to determine the price we offer
When you contact us to sell your Hermès bag, we ask for as many details as possible, including condition, year of production, accompaniments, and photographs. We also request your price expectations to ensure alignment.
The cash payment price we offer is based on several factors: the style’s popularity, the item’s condition and age, the estimated time to sell, and the prices of comparable pieces on the market.
All purchase prices are negotiated on an item-by-item basis, but typically we pay between 75% and 85% of our estimated selling price, depending on the item’s value.
Sale vs. Consignment
While we strive to offer outright purchase as often as possible, there are items we prefer to take on consignment, such as smaller leather goods, exotics, and pre-owned bags. Consigned items are handled and marketed the same way as owned items, with similar sales timelines.
When given the option of outright purchase or consignment, consignment may offer a greater payout, making it a preferable option for those seeking to maximize their return.